Welcome to your very own self coach toolkit 

Join me for my interactive courses covering a range of topics that are essential to your mental wellbeing. In these workshops I will be sharing both professional and personal tips and insights. 

So, if you are tired of reading all the books and listening to all the podcasts (or simply don’t have the time!) and want to get to the crux of the issue faster then these courses are for you.


  • Self Care Checklist

    Self Care Made Easy

    Why does self care matter? Why is it so hard to get right? And where do I even begin?

    If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions then this course is for you.

  • Woman facing forest with arms in air

    Overcoming Patterns

    Do you identify as people-pleasing, perfectionistic or struggle to say no? And do you want to understand where this narrative comes from so that you can intentionally rewrite the script?

  • Woman hugging her legs

    Emotional Regulation

    If you feel at the mercy of your emotions, rolling from one meltdown to the next or if you simply feel that your emotions and reactions are out of your control then this course is for you.

  • Woman with hand on head

    Overcoming Mum Guilt

    In this online course, International Women's Coach and GP Dr SaraLou Wylie shows you how to overcome mum guilt so that you can finally meet your own needs without carrying that negative inner chatter along with you!