Is overwhelm running your life? 

Have you lost the joy of being in the moment? 

Do you feel stuck just going through the motions?

Get restored, reconnect and rewrite the script with…


If you’re a driven woman navigating today’s demanding world, juggling all the plates and feeling like there isn’t much space in your life for you, then I know overwhelm and burnout are all too common. 

But no matter how hard you try, how much you read or listen to, the overwhelm just doesn’t seem to shift. The demands continue to roll in, the needs of others are prioritised above your own and you just get squeezed from all directions time and time again. The result? Losing your sense of self, the loss of just being in the moment, the snapping and irritable version of you becoming the new norm.  And then the guilt, the shame, the inner critic rises within and tells you of your worth, of how you should do better, be better…and so the cycle continues. 

Imagine instead…feeling calm, in touch with your emotions, feeling grounded and resilient and able to roll with the ebbs and flows of life. Imagine how beautiful the ripple effect would be of understanding yourself, your needs, of setting boundaries and believing in your self worth. Just for a moment picture the less stressed, more confident, more joyful version of you…see yourself and all that you could be…now ask yourself this, are you ready to be her?

As Seen In:

As seen in: Dara and Co Logo
As seen in: NHS Logo
The Mum Club logo
As seen in: Sheffield Council Logo
Wiley-Blackwell Logo
Keynote Speaker
The In Good Company logo
University of Sheffield Logo

Thrive club is your very own overwhelm Bootcamp, no more going it alone, no more false starts, it’s time to reclaim your joy in life…

If you are over feeling overwhelmed, fed up with joy-stealing stress and crave a life where you feel like you again, where you can have amazing quality time with your loved ones, feeling fully present with them, and not compromise on your own needs then this 6 week Bootcamp is for you!

Thrive club is a group coaching programme that has been inspired by the thousands of women I’ve met, worked with, and helped over the years as a GP and women's coach. I’ve sat with them, heard their stories, and had the honour of being with them on their journeys as they’ve met the hurdles and challenges of life. So I know what works, what's needed and what can happen when you have the right support and the life that you can create when you have the right tools and strategies to get you there. 

There is power in coming together. This is an enlightening and empowering programme for like-minded women to connect, support and cheerlead each other. To realise we all have times of struggle, find comfort in knowing you’re not alone and see things from new perspectives. Most importantly, this will be your village- a safe place to learn, laugh, cry, if needed, and be totally accepted as you!

Testimonial: SaraLou draws on her experience as a coach and GP to make ideas click

How the Club works:

We’ll meet online each Monday at 8pm (UK) for 75 mins for 6 weeks.

Starts: 7th October ‘24

Pausing for half term (no session on 28th October ‘24)

Last session: 18th November ‘24

So it’s perfect timing so that you can hit the festive and New Year period running! 

Each session we’ll have a workshop exploring the 4R’s of overcoming overwhelm. They’re jam packed with knowledge, tips and strategies to get you over the ‘whelm and back on track; we also have time to connect and chat through what we’ve learnt so that you can leave the session ready to put it into practice immediately.

  • It's time to look at the big picture, take stock and debrief- what are you struggling with, what barriers lie in your path and then let’s look at what you want life to look and feel like instead and plan your route there.

  • We’ll use my Human Resource method to reboot your self care and build those foundations for personal growth so that you can thrive. We’ll look at practical strategies from NLP, mindfulness and positive psychology for you to use immediately to help find calm in your every day life.

  • It's time to flip the script on the narrative running your life, let's ditch the perfectionism and people pleasing and put a stop to those patterns that seem to be stuck on replay in your life- let’s get to know the true you instead.

  • We’ll explore harmony with our emotions, learn how they can serve us instead of us fearing them, and learn to calm your nervous system and mind the Stormstoppers. Let’s re-evaluate your life to see what’s depleting you and fill your cup up instead.

  • Take back control, live with intention, be present. We’ll explore the skill of living life on purpose, instead of auto-pilot we’ll look at what true confidence and self worth is and the incredible effect having your sense of self restored has on your life.

  • We’ll celebrate how far you’ve come, take time to reflect on your journey and plan for your future and troubleshoot for the new season ahead, you’ll leave the bootcamp feeling empowered, supported and motivated, so that you can go out into your life to do what you need to do!

The workshops- The 4 R’s of overcoming overwhelm

Testimonial: SaraLou is the most incredible group leader
Engaging course workbook pages

The club also includes:

  • Access to the club’s online community, so that you can support each other, cheer each other on and offer gentle accountability- This is your village.

  • Tailored worksheets, self exploration exercises and recommendations to supercharge your personal growth and help you develop your own toolkit of easy, effective and sustainable strategies to put into use in your everyday life.

Your group programme is packed with value! Along the way you’ll…

  • Spend time with me, SaraLou, worth over £1200 if done 1 to 1

  • Learn from my years of expertise working with women and helping them overcome challenges- so no more hunting for the golden nugget of information amongst all the noise out there

  • Work with a coach who has helped women from all walks of life, there is no situation this doesn’t work for, all it needs is your desire for more in your life

  • No more false starts! I get it, life is hard and distracting, so come learn strategies that are quick, easy and that work

  • Feel supported and nurtured - running regular group programmes mean I know how to bring out the best in everyone, so come as you are, you’re welcome here

  • Have a safe space to talk about your own experiences and gain perspective from listening to the experiences of others- let’s build the community we all need

  • Learn how to stop putting yourself last, this is the last group programme I’ll be running this year, are you ready to hit 2025 like you mean it?

Women's Coach SaraLou coaching clients online


45 mins 1 to 1 with SaraLou (worth £125)

Think of this as our strategy meeting for your life! We’ll discuss your unique story, explore your barriers and limiting self beliefs and you’ll leave the session with your own personalised roadmap to guide you through the bootcamp and beyond.

Lifetime access to the online community

The power of connection and community is huge and so you’ll have access to the community for as long as you want it! 

Lifetime access to all the resources and workshops

So that you can dip in and out of this as you need. Each week the session will be recorded and resources sent you to directly and so they’re yours to carry forward with you. 

And this glorious expert bundle to add that extra umph to your wellbeing

  • Boost your physical and mental wellbeing at times of overwhelm by working with your cycle.  Including practical tips on managing hormonal fluctuations throughout your cycle with lifestyle changes / supplements. 

    Dr Fran Yarlett is a Sheffield Mum who is also very busy. She is a GP Partner, Medical Director for the women's research health platform The Lowdown and on the clinical advisory board for Phase. Fran works long hours around her 2 young daughters and has had to master her own overwhelm. She knows that being female and dealing with your reproductive health can be tough, but also believes that being female is a super power when you know how to harness your skills. Find her amazing educational videos on instagram @get.the.lowdown.

  • On how to have those tricky division of task conversations at home.

    Plus Access to Ellie's Masterclass on reconnection in relationships: "Date... (But Like You Used To)"

    Restoring Connection: Building closeness & harmony in your relationship in times of stress/life busyness with simple actionable tips.

    Ellie Baker is a couples coach and the founder of Coupld, a fun and empowering alternative to couples therapy. She supports couples in committed relationships to proactively and intentionally maintain their connection, address niggles and manage life transitions (with a special focus on pre and post baby). Ellie studied Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford and has qualifications in counselling and coaching. She’s been seen in various publications and has been a guest on the Baby Show Live Stage. You can find her on Instagram @coupldco or visit her website for more info.

  • Learn to eat well for your body, mind and soul so that you feel energised, full of vitality and glow!

    Dr. Róna Girvan is a dedicated doctor specialising in general practice, with specialist interest and training in lifestyle medicine. As a yoga teacher and trained life and mindset coach, she integrates various holistic approaches, including NLP, Ayurvedic nutrition, reiki, and somatics, into her practice. Known as “The Balance Doctor,” Róna believes in the power of homeostasis and balance for optimal health. She embodies heart-centred living, understanding that we are human beings, not merely human doings. Committed to moving beyond fleeting trends, she focuses on uncovering the root causes of health and well being issues and works with clients to build unshakeable health, wellness and mindset foundations. So that clients can feel balanced, energised and successful in every area! Find her on instagram


6 x 75 minute group coaching sessions

Starting 7th October 2024 meeting weekly on a Monday at 8pm (UK Time)

Recording of main talk each session to watch again (or catch up if you missed it)

45 minutes 1 to 1 with SaraLou (worth £125)

Online community with SaraLou in it

Worksheets and self-exploration exercises

Expert bundle: Harnessing your hormones, Nourish to flourish and Couples coach

Recommendations of resources that are worth the read or listen

1-1 email support from SaraLou throughout the bootcamp

AND time to connect, debrief and problem solve with like minded women in a small group

Payment plan available - email me for information

VIP Programme

Everything above PLUS

4 x 1 hour 1 to 1 sessions with SaraLou (exclusive to Thrive Club and worth over £600)

Payment plan available - email me for information

Life Coach SaraLou sitting on yoga mat

About me

Hey there, lovely. I’m SaraLou, a certified women’s coach, GP, honorary senior lecturer, yoga teacher, mum, and all-around cheerleader and nurturer of women’s mindsets and wellbeing.

Having listened to and helped thousands of women in my clinical career, I know the hurdles and emotions we, as ambitious women, face. How the innate need to do all, please all, and have it all ultimately leads to losing sight of ourselves and experiencing perfectionism, overwhelm, burnout and stress. I’ve also learnt the ways to move past the fog, fear or monotony. To rediscover yourself and what makes you tick, to reignite the spark that makes you your wonderful one-of-a-kind self and to lead a more intentional, joy-filled life without self-sacrificing or underlying doubt. If you’re ready for lasting change, I’m here to guide and empower you all the way!

Money-back guarantee

The Thrive club risk free guarantee

When you join Thrive Club, you’re welcomed into a space that’s jam packed with knowledge, tips, shortcuts and practical strategies to supercharge your journey to overcoming overwhelm in 6 weeks. 

Thrive club has been made with you in mind, I’ve spoken to thousands over women over my years as a GP and coach, I’ve studied my specialist topic of women’s mental wellbeing from both the science and soul aspects for years, as well as being on my own personal journey (so I know what it takes). And so the Club’s content is based on all this knowledge, experience and personal trial and errors, and distilled down to give you the most impactful, most life-changing and script rewriting bootcamp possible, so that you can get from stressed and snappy to relaxed and present within weeks. 

But even though this Club is so valuable with all this knowledge and community, you deserve the chance to join up risk free to see if it’s for you. If you don’t feel it’s every bit as amazing and life changing as promised then just send me an email within 7 days of the Club starting and you will be refunded in full- no questions asked and no delay! 

And I really mean no questions asked, I understand that life happens or you feel it’s not the right fit for you and so this is my promise to you.

SaraLou's signature


And so my lovely, are you ready? Ready to have more of you in your own life again, more calm, more presence and more of what you love? It is all possible, all you need to do is give yourself permission to say yes…and if you do just imagine what the next season holds for you, and so if you’re ready just click to say:

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • I absolutely understand that life happens, and so the workshop section of the session will be recorded so that you can watch this in your own time. 

    And you’ll also have the resources sent to you via email too. If any questions pop up after watching the recording then pop it in the chat or indeed email me directly.

  • You’ll have lifetime access to all the resources and workshops in your emails. After each session I email you the recording of the workshop plus resources and so they’re yours to carry forward with you.

  • I have a risk free guarantee, please see this above a little further up for it. 

  • Once you’ve signed up, I will email you a link for you to book and secure your spot. If there isn’t a session time that suits you, just let me know. The 1 to 1 is to be used during the period of the bootcamp and up to a month after it ends.

  • Yes it is, this is often the best way to communicate easily with a group. And so when you sign up, I’ll need to take your telephone number so that I can add you.

  • Absolutely, just like in my work as a GP and when I do 1 to 1 sessions, the discussions are confidential. The only time I would ever break this confidentiality is if I was worried about your safety or that of someone else. 

    Everyone who signs up for the group coaching space is also agreeing (in T+Cs) to respect the privacy of everyone in the group, what happens in the group stays in the group, including no screenshots permitted.

  • Sure, just pop me through an email on saralouwylie@gmail and I’ll get back to you.

  • I love questions! Email me at